Self-Help Group
The SHGs bring a subtle transformation in the members. Earlier women knew each other as neighbours or relatives, i.e., they reside in the same area. They met to gossip, share tidbits or family stories. When they joined the SHG as members they got a new forum of interaction. In the Group meetings they now discuss like bankers – prioritize requests for loans, assess repaying capacity, follow up repayments and manage accounts etc. These women have learnt to go to bank, handle large sums of money, and register a plot in their name and so many other activities beyond their household chores. These new experiences and initiatives have empowered them in many ways. Team dynamics in SHGs such as collective wisdom, peer pressure and trust go a long way in boosting the confidence of the members. Women who started with savings of Rs 50/- a month have increased it tenfold. They take loan for business ventures or owning a plot of land. Their dependence on moneylenders has reduced. The SHG movement draws strength from endurance, tenacity and financial prudence of women. Each SHG consists of 10-15 members.
The Self-Help Groups (SHGs) have enabled women members of the Basti to regularly save and access credit and support in times of need. 65 SHGs have been linked to the nationalized bank.